Sid A.; July 14th, 2020
I am pleased to announce that FutureScape will be launching a blog in the coming months. This blog will have three main columns: Past, Present, and Future. In our “Past” column, we will discuss lessons learned over our various projects, from debugging boards to design-for-manufacturing failures. In our “Present” column, we will be discussing engineering in the context of society. We will be discussing questions like: what should engineers and scientists be contributing during XYZ events? How can they contribute? Given the tumultuous times we are living in, this column may hold particular relevance. In our “Future” column we will discuss the directions that technology are going in. How should engineers and scientists contribute in order to build a better future? What are some innovative solutions to problems of the present and the future? Let us know what you think about these ideas for the blog in the comments below!
Update, July 24th, 2020: The blog is now live! Check it out here.